Thursday, August 18, 2011

Learning Strategies for Students

Learning strategies are the ways that will be used by teachers to choose strategies and learning activities that will be used throughout the learning process. The selection is done by considering the circumstances, learning resources, needs and characteristics of learners faced in order to achieve certain learning goals.

In the process of learning known as some of the terms have similar meanings, so often people get confused to differentiate. These terms are: (1) learning approach, (2) learning strategies, (3) teaching methods, (4) techniques of learning, (5) learning tactics, and (6) learning model. The following will set out these terms, hoping to give kejelasaan about the use of the term.Learning approach can be interpreted as a point of departure or point of view on learning, which refers to the view of the occurrence of a process that is still very common in nature, in which enclose, menginsiprasi, strengthen, and the underlying learning methods with particular theoretical coverage. Judging from its approach, there are two types of learning approaches, namely: (1) learning-oriented approach or a student-centered (student centered approach) and (2) learning-oriented approach or teacher-centered (teacher centered approach). Teacher-centered approach (teacher-centered approaches) lowers the learning strategy (direct instruction), teaching deductive or expository learning. While the learning approach is student-centered learning strategies reduce discovery and inquiry and inductive learning strategies.
Kemp argued that the learning strategy is a learning activity to do teachers and students so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Judging from its strategy, the learning can be grouped into two sections as well, namely: (1) exposition, discovery learning, and (2) individual-learning group (Rowntree). In the exposition strategies, teaching materials presented to students in its finished form and students are required to master the material. As quoted by the Vienna, Roy Killen call learning strategies (direct instruction). Why say a direct learning strategy? Because of this strategy, the subject matter is presented simply to students; students are not required to process them. The obligation of students is to master it fully. Thus, the strategy serves as an expository teacher conveys information. Unlike the discovery strategy. In this strategy lesson material sought and found by the students through various activities, so the task of teachers more as facilitators and mentors for their students. Because it is so this strategy is often also called indirect learning strategies. Individual learning strategies undertaken by students independently. Speed, slowness, and the success of student learning is largely determined by the ability of individual students concerned. Lessons and materials designed for learning how to learn it themselves. An example of this learning strategy is learning through the modules, or learning languages ​​through audio tapes.In contrast to the strategy of individual learning, group study conducted in teams. A group of students taught by a teacher or teachers. Study groups could form in the large group learning or learning classical; or can students learn in small groups kind of buzz groups. The strategy group did not pay attention to individual learning pace. Each individual is treated the same. Therefore, learning can occur in a group of students who have high ability will be hampered by students who have mediocre abilities; otherwise students who have less ability to feel displaced by the students who have high ability.Judging from the way of presenting and processing means, learning strategies can also be distinguished between deductive learning strategies and inductive learning strategies.Deductive learning strategies learning strategies are carried out by studying the concepts first and then look for conclusions and illustrations; or material starting the lessons learned from the things that are abstract, then slowly toward the concrete. This strategy is also called learning strategies from general to specific.Conversely, the inductive strategy, the material learned this strategy starts from the things atu concrete examples and then slowly the students are faced with complex and difficult material. This strategy is often called the learning of specific strategies to the public.Learning is essentially a process of adding new information and skills. When we think of information and what capabilities should be owned by students, then at that time also we should think what strategy should be done so that all that can be achieved effectively and efficiently. It's very important to understand, because what should be achieved will determine how to achieve it.
Before determining the learning strategies that can be used, there are several considerations that must be considered:a. Considerations related to the objectives to be achieved.The questions can be asked is:1) Are the learning objectives to be achieved with regard to aspects of cognitive, affective, or psychomotor?2) How does the complexity of the learning objectives to be achieved, whether high level or low level?3) Is it to achieve that goal requires academic skills?b. Considerations related to materials or learning materials:1) Is the subject matter in the form of facts, concepts, laws, or theory?2) Is it to learn the instructional material that requires certain prerequisites or not?3) Are there books to learn the source of the material?c. Consideration from the point of students:1) Does the learning strategy according to the maturity level of students?2) Did the learning strategies that fit with their interests, talents, and the condition of the students?3) Is it appropriate learning strategies with learning styles of students?d. Other considerations:1) Is to achieve the goal just enough with one strategy alone?2) Is the strategy that we set is considered the only strategy that can be used?3) Does the strategy have a value of effectiveness and efficiency?
From the questions above, is a material consideration in determining the strategy to be applied. Suppose that to achieve the goals associated with cognitive aspects, will have different strategies with efforts to achieve the goals relating to aspects of the affective or psychomotor aspects, etc..
learning methods can be interpreted as the means used to implement the plans that are constructed in the form of real and practical activities to achieve learning goals. There are several methods of learning that can be used to implement learning strategies, including:

(1) lecture;lectures conducted by intended as a trigger of participatory activities (brainstorming, discussions, assignments, case studies, etc.). In addition, the lecture is meant here is that tends to lecture interactive, which involves students throughexistence of feedback or comparison with the opinions and experiencesstudents. Media support is used, such as junk materials (handouts),served with the OHP transparency, presentation materials that displaywith the LCD, the writings on the card and meta plan / plano paper, etc..
(2) demonstration;Demonstration is a method used to membelajarkan participantsby telling and demonstrating the stepsworkmanship something. The demonstration is a practice that was exhibited toparticipants. Therefore, the demonstration can be divided into two objectives: demonstrationprocess to understand step by step, and demonstration results for theshow or demonstrate the results of a proses.Biasanya, afterdemonstration followed by practice by the participants themselves. As a result,Participants will gain experience to learn directly after viewing,do, and feel themselves. The purpose of the demonstration that combinedthe practice is making changes to the shutter skills.(3) discussion;
(4) simulation, (5) laboratory, (6) field experience; (7) brainstorming; (8) debates, (9) symposium