Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is Eletricity

The last few years is a crucial issue of energy in the world. Increased energy demand caused by population growth and depletion of world oil reserves and the problems of emissions from fossil fuels put pressure on each country to quickly produce and use renewable energy. In addition, the increase in world oil prices up to 100 U $ per barrel is also a serious reason that struck many countries in the world, especially Indonesia.

Surge in world oil prices will give a great impact on floating electric power resources in Indonesia. Because fuel prices continue to soar, and is still a lack of other sources of power generation so that electricity tariffs will increase as well.
With rising electricity rates in Plus there are still Indonesian citizens in remote areas untouched electricity, it is necessary to the development of alternative sources of electrical energy that is easy and cheap is one of them by utilizing Blimbing wuluh juice as a source of electrical energy, or it could be a fruit -other fruits such as oranges, banana peels, etc.. But according to sources Blimbing wuluh fruit was the most potential to generate electrical energy