Saturday, August 13, 2011

Being a change agent

Water can turn into ice if the ice can be frozen and otherwise turn into water again when heated. Water and ice have the same constituent components, but have a different form. Water can also evaporate, this means that water can turn into gas. Water can exist in three states of matter are: solid (ice), liquid (water) and gases (water vapor).
In everyday life can be seen that the ice can change into water. If heated continues, water will boil and turn into water vapor. Substance can be transformed from one form to another form. Changes in states of matter is accompanied by changes in the nature of the substance.
Changes in the nature of substances by changing its form can be divided into:
1. Melt (melt): Changes in the form of solid to liquid. Examples: Ice cubes are melted, heated chocolate.
2. Freeze: Change in the form of liquids into solids. For example: Water is put into fresser turn into ice cubes.
3. Yawning: Changes in the form of liquid into gas. For example: Water is boiled continuously, for long runs out because the water turns into water vapor.
4. Condense: Changes in gas to liquid form. For example: The water vapor in the air into water droplets on the glass.
5. Sublimes: Changes in the form of solids into gas.For example: Moth balls are placed in the cupboard gets smaller over time the shape and then run out (turn into vapor / gas)
6. Crystallized (deposed): Changes in gas form into solids. For example: The process of purification of iodine