Saturday, July 30, 2011


Pulley is a wheel-shaped and grooved edges and spins on its axis. Based on the placement, the pulley is divided into three types: fixed pulley, the pulley is free (pulley moves), the pulley system.
- Fixed pulley
This pulley in place. Adapaun fixed pulley sections are as follows:
W = weight
F = the power or force
Point A = point load
Point B = fulcrum
Point C = point of power
Distance AB = arm load, Lb = radius of pulley
Distance BC = arm power, Lk = radius of pulley.
On balance, apply:
W x Lb = F x Lk

Notice in the picture, that the pulley fixed amount of the load arm with the arm power is the same, then the mechanical advantage (km) = 1.
So it applies:
Km = W / F = 1 or Km = Lk / Lb = 1